Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

How To Determine If You Need Your Security Guards To Be Armed Or Unarmed

by Oscar Marshall

Security guards are one of the most valuable services available to any business or commercial interest out there. Figuring out which type of security guard you need can be a bit challenging, as there are different levels to this service. After all, a regular mom-and-pop's corner store is not going to need a fully armed security guard to help them out. The problem most people have is figuring out whether or not the security guard they use should be armed or unarmed. Here are a few ways you can determine whether or not your security guard should carry a firearm or not.

Monetary Value Of Items  

The sad truth is that when the monetary value of the items in your store goes up, so do the chances of a more serious robbery. This is particularly true for items that are quite small and valuable, as these are even easier to steal. If you have a lot of different items in your store worth over several thousand dollars, then you probably are in the territory of needing armed security services. On the other hand, if you operate a regular convenience, hardware, electrical, or most other types of stores, then armed security guards are going a bit overboard, as most of those needs for a security guard will be dealing with annoyed or angry customers rather than robbery threats.


The simplest way to determine your likelihood of being robbed or having any kind of armed confrontation is to look at the statistics in your neighborhood. Look at how many armed robberies there have been, and if you can look at what types of stores or homes were robbed. If you find that you match the description to some degree, then chances are an armed security guard will be a good addition to your security defenses. On the other hand, if the place you work in has very low levels of crime, a traditional unarmed security guard will be fine.

High-Value Guest

If you work with events or have to deal with high-value guests, then you should always use armed security services. Not only do armed security guards ensure that any kind of negative fan or public interactions end very swiftly by taking a no-nonsense approach, but they are often better equipped to work as handlers. Most unarmed security guards do not traditionally work these kinds of roles and so will be less experienced. Also, most high-value guests will expect the best possible security and that does mean that they should be armed, just in case. 

For more information, contact a company like Security Services Northwest, Inc.


About Me

Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

Keeping your home clean, functional, and safe is a serious challenge for most homeowners, which is why many people decide to work with professionals to resolve their challenges. I began thinking more seriously about different ways to perfect my home, and it occurred to me that working with a team of security professionals would help me to sleep a little better at night. They came out, started focusing on my home's shortcomings, and made a big difference in the way that the space operated. This blog is here for anyone who has struggled with home security. Check out these posts to make your home better.


