Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

The Advantage Of Female Bodyguards For Close Protection

by Oscar Marshall

Having female bodyguards (also known as close protection officers) may still be a rarity in executive protection. Apparently, Netflix found the idea original enough to produce a film inspired by the life of Jacquie Davis, who was the first female bodyguard in the United Kingdom. If your situation dictates that you need this level of executive protection, do female operatives have any advantages over their male counterparts? This largely depends on your needs.

Your Personal Comfort

Perhaps the most pertinent advantage is a matter of personal preference. You may personally feel more comfortable being protected by a female operative. After all, you will be in close quarters with the operative for an extended period of time, and protection can only be effective when it's close. A female operative matched to a female subject allows for a closer level of protection, extending to female-only areas (such as changing rooms and restrooms) where a male operative cannot venture so easily—or at all. 

Physical Stereotypes

Because a female operative can go to places where their male counterparts cannot, the protection offered to a female subject can be less conspicuous. Perhaps there's a stereotype applied to male operatives—big burly men who remain in immediate proximity to their subject. There have been reported instances of celebrities being photographed with men who look like bodyguards in order to make it look like they're well-protected—even though these so-called bodyguards may have no practical skills, and only adhere to the physical stereotype associated with males working in the industry. They're there to draw attention to themselves.

Protection With Discretion

You may not necessarily want to draw attention to the fact that you have personal protection—and utilizing a female operative may be more discreet. To make use of another stereotype, a female operative could easily be mistaken for being someone other than a bodyguard. While this may well be a gender-based stereotype, it's one that can be used to your advantage, if you don't want to alarm friends and colleagues with the fact that you need personal protection. If your protection needs extend to your immediate family, your children may find the experience less intimidating if interacting with a female operative. 

Regardless of gender, an operative (or team of operatives) has a singular goal—your protection. But when you want that protection to be effective while maintaining a low profile, your needs may be better served by a female bodyguard.

Speak to an executive protection service to learn more.


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Improving Home Security One Day At A Time

Keeping your home clean, functional, and safe is a serious challenge for most homeowners, which is why many people decide to work with professionals to resolve their challenges. I began thinking more seriously about different ways to perfect my home, and it occurred to me that working with a team of security professionals would help me to sleep a little better at night. They came out, started focusing on my home's shortcomings, and made a big difference in the way that the space operated. This blog is here for anyone who has struggled with home security. Check out these posts to make your home better.


